Sunday, December 30, 2012

This New Year’s Day

With the New Year comes the renewal
Of Hope and peace to be found
The comfort and mercies we're granted
Opportunities, blessings abound
Because His plan is so divine
We're each given a brand new page
To start anew, me and you
Upon a brand new stage
We have the chance before us
To each play a different role
Reach out and show more kindness
Become a kinder, gentler soul
Our time to set better examples
Of what we'd wish others to see
And make our own mark while giving
Compassion and kindness, generosity
We all make resolutions this day
Some we keep, but not the others
The ones we find benefiting ourselves
But not so much for all our brothers
We tend to put ourselves first
Instead of taking into account
Those that are so less fortunate
And are living life without
Let us not be so judgmental
Unless we're willing to change shoes
With those still struggling for solutions
Today, and all year through

(c) 2012 Daisie Fields

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Evaluate Your Time Wasters

There’s no such thing as spare time.  The time you get is all the time you've got.  Do something good with it!

      time wasters.

While you can’t “save” time, you can certainly “waste” time.  Wasting time can occur when you spend it on the quick and easy instead of the important.  But if it’s quick and easy it’s not really wasting much time is it?  Hmm.  I wonder how many hours of wasted time occur over a lifetime in two or three minute intervals. 

Sometimes the important things are big.  Sometimes the urgent (and not so important) things are small.  As a result, we’re tempted to get the small things out of the way first.  In reality, they’re not really even in the way.  They’re just there.  What if, instead, we break up the big important things into smaller “sub-tasks” and diligently apply ourselves to them? 

Now, instead of being flabbergasted by the difficulty of a large task (and thus doing nothing), we can more easily handle each of the sub-tasks proficiently.

The mental effect of “too-big” is overwhelming.  It’s way too difficult to manage something like that and so you won’t.  Instead, you’ll just end up wasting time agonizing over it.  Break it up for your mental health and happiness, as well as your productivity.

Sometimes the big important things aren't any fun.  As a result, we’d rather do something else instead.  I understand.  It happens to me all the time.  Sometimes it’s just hard to get motivated to do what we know needs to be done.  The key is to find out what motivates you, and then use that motivation to propel yourself forward. 

Motivation begins with understanding your God-given purpose.  If the goals you've set for yourself do not line up with God’s purpose for your life, you’re guaranteed to eventually fail. Hopelessness feeds on itself and will sink your productivity and cause you to spend your time on anything but the right thing.

Think of time as an asset that like money must be managed well. If it is squandered it‘s just like making a bad investment. And it is because you have wasted it.   If we’re truly going to make the most of our time on earth, we have to stop valuing busyness as a positive thing.  Busyness gets in the way of productivity.

We must learn to
stop wasting time
being busy.

For some reason, many people have a misguided need to be busy as a way of justifying their existence. 

Evaluate your time wasters.  

An excerpt from Making the Most of Your Time on Earth: The Clock is Ticking... by D. Kirk Buchanan (coming soon - expected release date Jan. 2013).

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The clock is ticking...

Have you ever tried to “save” time? You can’t. Time ticks by at the rate of one second per second. Always. And once that second has elapsed, it’s gone.

F  o  r  e  v  e  r .

If you find a shortcut for a given task that reduces the amount of time it takes to complete that task, you may say that you've “saved” time, but unless you immediately use the time following the completion of the task to accomplish another God-given purpose, the seconds just simply continue to tick by. You can’t save them for later. You can only choose what to “spend” each second doing. You can allocate your time to certain tasks, manage the amount of time you spend on certain tasks, but the total amount of time you have is the same regardless of how much of it you spend doing one thing or another. Your time here on earth is finite.

I know this sounds extremely philosophical, but it’s really quite practical. You must use your time to accomplish the important things or else the important things will not get done, because time will run out.

Don’t let the urgent take the place of the important in your life.

I think one of the most difficult things in life when it comes to maximizing the use of our time is making the conscience choice to do the important things instead of the urgent things, or the quick and easy things.

An excerpt from Making the Most of Your Time on Earth: The Clock is Ticking... by D. Kirk Buchanan (coming soon - expected release date Jan. 2013).