Thursday, March 21, 2013

Honoring God with our Time

Part of honoring God is spending time with Him.  Can we spend time with Him without going to church? Certainly. We can pray. We can study our Bible. Can we grow in our relationship with Him without attending church?  Sort of, but not the way He intends.

You see, we were created for community.  We were never meant to go through this life on earth alone.  As you read through the account of creation in the first chapter of Genesis, you’ll find over and over that God said, “it was good.” Then, when we finally get to verse 18 of the second chapter, God says something that we often overlook.  He said something was NOT good.  You know what it was?  He said it was not good for man to be alone. 

He created us to be an interconnected community with Him at the center.  That means spending time with other believers.  That means spending time focusing our worship on Him.  That’s what church is.  It’s not a building; it’s a body of believers.  Having a building is a very nice convenience, and one we should all be thankful for.  But we shouldn't confuse the place with the purpose.  

an excerpt from 

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