Saturday, December 14, 2013

Relationships at Work

We must carefully and strategically allocate our time among our relationships: Boundaries on how and when we invest time in work and in our personal life help to ensure that we have the proper investment in each category.  In my daily interactions with folks, I see one of the most compelling reasons for not working extremely long hours is that this unbalanced investment of time resources leaves you with insufficient time for activities like exercise, sleep, and relationships.  These things are absolutely necessary in order to boost real productivity. 

As we climb the ladder of success we eventually discover it is not a ladder at all.  We are climbing a pyramid. We get increasingly lonely… we have fewer friends… family… relationships. There isn't room at the top for several.  There's only room for one.

In a desperate attempt to climb the ladder of success many men and women will happily kick and trample on the heads of those beneath them.  Sadly, cutthroat competition is simply the way the world is. Some people fall into the trap of striving for success at any price. Others just give up and depend on the system to take care of them as they live off the labors of others. Both perspectives are way out of balance.  

In the fourth chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes we are given some powerful words of wisdom: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! 

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